Dé Domhnaigh 10 Feabhra 2008

In which Snaggle Commenceses to snuffle

It has come to Snaggle's attention that many people are need of a good baggling these days, and upon the magnanimous hostings and postings (and toastings, mmmmm! crunch crunch slurrrrp! with jam!) of Rose's illustrious parent-enlightening blog by said Snaggle, said Snaggle has hit upon the delectable idea of blogging his snaggliferous snarglings to the world at large. We hopes that these superior discussionseses will facilitate, capacitate, and palpate the spread of Snaggle thought, Snaggle yoga (a.k.a. SnazzerciseTM, for a complete listing of publications and educational resources please send a self-addressed postage paid envelope to Snaggle, C/O Barrett Yoga and Arts Cooperative, 921 W. King St, Carson City NV 89703) and Snaggle actions worldwide. Whereupon Snaggle dispenseses the following preliminary advisions:

1. For a good start to the day, a good snuffling is paramount. Repeat continuously to relieve stress and facilitate mucus production. If using a computer or other device that requires brain power, Snaggle recommends a snuffle break with self-massage every 15 minutes to reduce muscle cramping of the cerebral region.

2. Food should be inhaled, using a snorkel to facilitate breathing for novices who have yet to master the art of SNOTT (self nasal operated tube technique) for circular breathing below food surface. For more information on SNOTT instruction and certification in your area, please send a self-addressed postage paid envelope to the previously listed address above.

3. Toastable items should be spread with gooey substance at all times and eaten regularly with tea-like items. Apart from this, all foods should be eaten raw.

4. Regular mantra practice is important for concentration and creative output or input. Beginners can start with the the simple breath-related "Snorrtt, wheeeze, snorrrrt, wheeeze" while more advanced practitioners may prefer the occasional backwards sneeze-walk for extra purification and mental clarification benefits. For more information on SnaggleMantraTM workshops and private tutorials in your area, please email Snaggle at snagglemail@hotmail.com.

Next time we will continue with elementary meditative techniqueseses, or any requested subjectses. To make requests, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the moon. Or postses a comment. Muffins are on the menu from here on out!


Anonymous said...

This is a great blog! Long have I longed for the references and instructions contained herein.

Nishadon said...

This is the blog of blogs! Snaggle was much more equipped than i ever imagined!